Tonka Water, a U.S. Water Brand (Tonka Water), worked with a design build team to put together a cost effective proposal to meet the needs of East Cherry Creek Valley. Through the piloting process, a more cost-effective media was optimized. Commissioned in September, 2016, this groundwater treatment plant features a fully automated OptaCell Plus™ horizontal pressure filter system for the removal of iron and manganese. As the most economical treatment solution that best met the community’s treatment needs, this facility includes two 2800 gpm OptaCell Plus pressure filters with isolated cell design, providing maximum operational flexibility, allowing the operator to isolate individual cells within the vessel when needed. This feature also allows the ability to take a cell off-line for backwash while continuing to treat, all the while keeping the plant operating at full capacity. Tonka Water Simul-Wash™ superior backwash system, saving up to 50% of backwash water waste, is also included in this system, resulting in a superior green technology.
The OptaCell Plus filters are designed with isolated cell compartments above and below the underdrain, with a total of four individual filter cells. This unique filter cell design allows for an individual cell to be backwashed or taken completely off line while the others remain in service. Each filter cell supplied includes the Simul-Wash backwash system. This is a key process design that minimizes backwash waste, providing cost savings.
The East Cherry Creek (WISE) plant is performing beyond expectations since its start-up in 2016. Tonka Water is proud to have been a member of the design build team.
Design Build Approach Utilized in Colorado