The Splash

Craft Brewing Wastewater Treatment: How Much Does Your System Need?

We know brewery wastewater treatment can be overwhelming with contributing factors including stressors on water supply, risk of water shortage or water pollution. Each of these factors have environmental risks, as well as increased financial costs to your facility.   We understand that there are many different wastewater options, including on-site treatment that may include pH neutralization, solids removal [...]

3 Things You Need to Know About Traditional Greensand Media

Greensand media has been incorporated into countless filters due to its flexibility and efficient iron and manganese removal in both the municipal and industrial markets. This user-friendly media is commonly found in horizontal pressure filters , vertical pressure filters and in gravity filters where iron is the primary contaminant to be removed. Greensand Media is versatile, able to also extract manganese, hydrogen [...]

Optimize Your Industrial Water Softener With A Brine Elution Study

Most industrial boiler systems require soft feedwater and without this softening pre-treatment, boilers are at risk of developing hard insulating deposits that reduce the heat transfer efficiency and increase energy use. Severe deposit formation can permanently damage boiler tubes or cause dangerous failures from overheating. Water softening is an ion exchange technique used for removing calcium and magnesium [...]

Missouri City Ensures Compliance through HMO Technology

The city of Bonne Terre, Missouri, had plans to use groundwater from four different wells with varying levels of contaminants. A plan was needed to successfully treat the radium, iron and manganese detected in these sources at two separate sites. With an interest in pre-formed Hydrous Manganese Oxide (HMO) technology, the city made the decision to work with Tonka Water, a Kurita brand, to conduct a pilot study that [...]

DReeM Polymer™ Technology Cleans Boilers & Reduces Customer Fuel Spend

A food ingredients production facility had a chronic issue with process leaks in their heat exchangers at their gelatin processing unit. This resulted in product being sent back to the boiler via the condensate. The gelatin is high viscosity which regularly wore out the seals of the heat exchangers. The gelatin, containing hard water, also caused foaming, and eventually significant scale was formed in the water tube [...]

Could you Benefit from Reverse Osmosis Pre-Treatment?

Reverse osmosis is an effective process used to remove dissolved solids that lead to corrosion and scaling deposits in industrial water systems. It can also be used for desalination and removal of nitrates, chloride, and other inorganic compounds as well as softening applications in drinking water systems. To support your RO system and water sources, pre-treatment through media filtration is often [...]

Who Doesn’t Love Coupons?

Most people would agree that a traditional coupon is useful! Who doesn’t want to save $3 on box of laundry detergent? But when it comes to water treatment, there is a different kind of coupon to appreciate: the corrosion coupon. Corrosion coupons are used to measure the effectiveness of inhibitor chemistry on corrosion rates in recirculated cooling and heating process water. These coupons are pre-weighed [...]

Why Developing a Holistic Roadmap For Your Water Treatment Matters

Background The year 1972 saw the passage of the Clean Water Act (CWA) - an act that provided incentives, penalties, as well as funding for communities to clean their water. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), at the time, estimated that over two-thirds of the waters in America were unfit for fishing or swimming; a number that was cut in half after the CWA was established. Almost 50 years later, the [...]

The Key to Saving Water is in Your Backwash System

Since airwash was first introduced into filters in the 1960s, it has been widely known that the introduction of air with water achieves greater media cleansing and promotes optimum performance of granular water filters. Simul-Wash™ is a simultaneous air and water backwash system. The Simul-Wash cycle consists of four steps: draindown, combined air/water backwash, air purge, and restratification. The key to [...]

Kurita America’s Commitment to Health and Safety

It’s National Safety Month ! Sponsored by the  National Safety Council  (NSC), every June we promote safety awareness to prevent unnecessary injuries and deaths at work, on the roads, in our homes and in our communities. Safety is at the core of Kurita America’s culture; we are dedicated to exceeding the requirements of all our stakeholders through upholding a “zero [...]

Managing Your Potable Water System During the Pandemic

The Federal and State mandated business closures and travel restrictions, due to the COVID-19 virus, have caused many businesses to reduce water flow in various complex building water systems. While the COVID-19 virus is not associated with building water systems, there are other pathogens and water quality issues that can potentially develop due to stagnant or reduced water flow in buildings. There may be [...]

Is Sludge Thickening Worth the Effort?

Most wastewater treatment facilities benefit from sludge thickening operations. However, determining if sludge thickening is worth the time and effort isn’t quite as simple. Understanding your facilities treatment process and implementing a solids management plan will help to simplify the answer.  Execution of a solids management plan will require the consideration of facility goals, available [...]