The Splash

U.S. Water Secures Approval for New Patent

U.S. Water announces that on May 21, 2019, the Minnesota based company has been granted a new U.S. patent (10,294,126) entitled “Water Treatment Method & System.”  The technology is a unique process that converts hexavalent chromium, a hazardous material, into a non-hazardous trivalent chromium. The trivalent chromium is then removed using a specialized chelating resin which can then be [...]

Four Ways to Prolong the Life of Your Control System

The Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is the heart of any treatment system, and a few simple precautionary measures can dramatically extend the life of your control system. One of the most important components to check and replace is the battery used for program backup in the processor. Manufacturers recommend that PLC batteries be replaced on a yearly basis. Plants can experience shutdown after a power [...]

Celebrating Safety in June

Safety Month is celebrated in June on an annual basis by The National Safety Council (NSC). In honor of this year’s safety month, the NSC has designed a weekly theme highlighting various workplace hazards that impact workers regardless of their industry or job duties. At U.S. Water, we believe it’s important to share safety best practices to protect our most important asset, our employees. Under each [...]

Biologically Enhanced Ion Exchange Used to Treat Florida Groundwater

Haines City located in Polk County Florida, was required to meet new compliance standards after regulations regarding disinfection by-product levels were adjusted. Tonka Water, a U.S. Water Brand (Tonka Water) was selected as the process system manufacturer for the city’s new water treatment plant. With a focus on waste reduction and a small footprint, the Haines City system includes four Organix™ ion [...]

Kurita Water Industries Ltd. Acquires Avista Technologies, Inc. and Avista Technologies (UK) Ltd.

On May 16, 2019, Kurita Water Industries Ltd. ("Kurita") announced that the procedures for acquisition of the outstanding shares of Avista Technologies, Inc. (Head Office: California, U.S.) and Avista Technologies (UK) Ltd. (Head Office: U.K.) were completed on May 15, 2019, Pacific Time, in the United States. Headquartered in California, Avista U.S. manufacturers and sells reverse osmosis (RO) chemicals [...]

An Introduction to Brewery Wastewater Treatment

Wastewater treatment can be overwhelming, and brewery wastewater treatment is no exception. Regulations and permits often require breweries to treat residual wastewater leftover from the brewing process, and failure to treat this water can result in fines and penalties and the effluent from your facility may negatively impact your community. Wastewater treatment comes in various forms, from primary treatment [...]

U.S. Water Receives 2018 Governor's Safety Award

U.S. Water's Cambridge, Minnesota facility was awarded the 2018 Meritorious Achievement in Occupational Safety Governor's Safety Award during the 2019 Minnesota Safety & Health Conference held in Prior Lake, Minnesota on May 8th, 2019. U.S. Water continues to be recognized as one of the leading national providers of integrated solutions for water treatment. The company’s integrated approach combines [...]

Florida Treatment Plant Expands Ion Exchange System to Treat TOC and Color

Palm Beach County installed and commissioned a Tonka Water, a U.S. Water Brand (Tonka Water) Organix™ ion exchange system downstream from lime softening in 2008 to address issues with Total Organic Carbon (TOC), Disinfection Byproduct Precursors (DBPs), and excessive color in their finished water. The original seven-vessel system is rated at 10 MGD. Pleased with the performance of the original system, the [...]

Midwest University Reduces 70 Million Gallons of Wastewater with Sustainable Improvement

Problem A Midwestern university’s power plant has a closed cooling loop circuit that utilizes once through non-contact cooling water. The cooling water cools air compressors, sample coolers, and critical auxiliary equipment on a 10 megawatt generator. Compressed air from the plant is used to control HVAC pneumatics throughout the 320 buildings on campus, a highly critical operation. The plant [...]

U.S. Water Featured in Oilman Magazine

In the March/April edition of Oilman magazine, U.S. Water's Senior Business Development Manager, David Schneider and Director of Energy Services, Gene Hatcher shared their thoughts on the importance of water management in the oil and gas industry, U.S. Water’s initiatives for water treatment and better oil production, and how technological solutions and eco-conscious practices have been improving water [...]

California Water Plant Treats Nitrates and Perchlorate with No Liquid Waste

The City of Corona, California was in need of a new water treatment plant. Tonka Water, a U.S. Water Brand (Tonka Water), was selected to provide a RidION™ Ion Exchange System and a Nion-IX™ Treatment System for the removal of nitrates and perchlorate. The treatment of perchlorate does not allow for waste disposal through conventional means, requiring media to be removed and disposed of off site. Ion [...]

U.S. Water Celebrates Drinking Water Week

Each year in May, the CDC recognizes Drinking Water Week and the critical role drinking water plays in our daily lives. This year's theme is Protect the Source, highlighting the importance of protecting our water resources. According to the CDC, the average American consumes one to two liters of drinking water daily.  Tonka Water, a U.S. Water Brand, has a long and successful history of delivering [...]